Tuesday 12 April 2016

Split Apple Rock

Split apple rock. A iconic location in the Able Tasman area. Awesome natural formed rock just off shore this special area.

Wild life of the Able Tasman area

Big Flood on the Rangatata

Henry posing in front of the flooded  Rangatat's 300 meter grade 5 section. The river running over commercial rafting cut off level.

Big Boils, Huge Holes, Big Water!

Lining up my first Grade 5

Here I am guiding "mouse trap" rapid on the Rangatata. First rapid leading into the 300m grade 4/5 section. Setting my angle to drive hard and fast over the first pour over, hoping to catch some eddie water.

The 2016 Raft Crew

Here's TPP's 2016 raft crew. Great bunch of people, great tutors and we had an awesome time on the river this whole week.

Sunday 18 October 2015

Photo's at Cobden

Every day scenery at the coast. These photo's were taken on sunsets looking at the surf.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Lower Mataki

Me putting in a well timed "boof" stroke on the lower Mataki. 3rd grade three on the year, just starting to feel it.

First grade 3 run of this year

This was my first scary grade three rapid of the year. I'm there looking wobbly and feeling terrified. I made the move though and managed to stay upright. Every move is another learning. Loving Kayaking in Murchison

Raft guiding the Crooked River

Awesome river to be raft guiding on. I'm guiding us on an amazing surf wave. A great day and great experience. West coast great technical rivers.

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Running Coal Creek Falls

Ariel firing up Coal creek falls. This was a personal goal of mine from the start of the year. I scouted this drop on low summer flows. After a year of kayaking I came back with a group of mates and decided to run it. Unknown west coast gem.